Inorganic Chemistry MCQ with answers PDF TYBSC

Inorganic Chemistry MCQ with Answers PDF TYBSC

Download Inorganic Chemistry MCQ with Answers TYBSC

If you are a student of TYBSC and looking for Inorganic Chemistry MCQ with Answers PDF. Then this article is only for you. Because from this post you will get the all MCQs of Inorganic chemistry in a PDF file for free,

Already we uploaded the Organic Chemistry MCQ with Answers PDF, Physical Chemistry MCQ with Answers PDF, and Industrial Chemistry MCQ with Answers PDF files. If you want to download it for your better study then you can. 

As you, know the University declared the online examination with MCQs. And to prepare for this MCQs-based exam you just need to revise again and again. 

You can also watch our video Guide from here.

Video Guide on Inorganic chemistry MCQs with Answers

We also uploaded a Mock test on the Industrial chemistry syllabus. After this Mock Test, you will feel like you gave a real exam. 

If you are interested in Mock Test then we have created the quizzes. Simply reading the PDF is not good as much you have to analyze your self. And he Quiz are the best for Preparation.

Attempt this quiz on the Topic of Molecular Orbital Theory


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1. Molecular Orbital Theory

Hey, guys, this Quiz is based on the Topi of Molecular Orbital Theory. Let’s start and be prepared.

1 / 22

1.   A molecular orbital is…

2 / 22

2. When the wave functions of atomic orbitals have similar signs, they result into the formation of

3 / 22

3. A bond is formed by the overlap of…..orbitals (considering x-axis a internuclear axis)

4 / 22

4. The stabilization energy in H2^+ ion is

5 / 22

5. The bond order in He2+ ion is

6 / 22

6. Which property is more in Li2 than H2?

7 / 22

7. On the basis of bond strength which molecule is more stable?

8 / 22

8. In which species, the bond length is more?

9 / 22

9. Which molecule is most polar?

10 / 22

10. Molecules of the following sets do not exist…

11 / 22

11. The combination of two atomic orbitals of atoms A and B is correctly expressed by…

12 / 22

12. Which of the following molecules does not exist?

13 / 22

13. The bond order in the B2 molecule is….?

14 / 22

14. The bond order in the N2 molecule is….?

15 / 22

15. B2 molecule is…

16 / 22

16. The bond order and magnetic properties of O2 molecule are…

17 / 22

17. Number of unpaired electrons in O2 molecule as per MOT is …

18 / 22

18. The order of bond order respectively in O2, O2+, O2 and O22- is…

19 / 22

19. The NO molecule is paramagnetic due to the presence of…

20 / 22

20. HCl molecule is….

21 / 22

21. In an H2 molecule there is the involvement of….

22 / 22

22. HF molecule is an example of which of the following overlapping of atomic orbital?

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The average score is 5%


Introduction to coordination chemistry Mock Test here Attempt this also.

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2. Introduction to Coordination Chemistry

This test is based on the topic of Introduction to Coordination Chemistry. This is the best mock test to prepare you for exams and experts.

1 / 13

  1.   Thermodynamic stability of a complex depends upon…

2 / 13

2. Thermodynamically stable complex is kinematically…

3 / 13

3. Kinematics stability is mainly concerned with …of chemical reactions.

4 / 13

4. A stability constant is a measure of the extent of …

5 / 13

5. Central metal atom or ion acts as …

6 / 13

6. Ligand is a species that donates …

7 / 13

7. Double salt when dissolved in water gives a test for…

8 / 13

8. Charge on the diamminetetrachloro chromate (III) ion is…

9 / 13

9. Less common coordination number is…

10 / 13

10. Acetylacetonate is a…

11 / 13

11. Metal chelates are formed by…

12 / 13

12. Mond’s process is the process of purification of…

13 / 13

13. The coordination number of platinum in [PtCl6]2- is…

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The average score is 37%


Next Topic of Mock test is Werner’s Theory of Coordination Compounds


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You result here…

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3: Werner’s Theory of Coordination Compounds

Hey, guys, this is a Quiz on the Topic of “Werner’s Theory of Coordination Compounds”. Attempt this Quiz for better preparation.

1 / 10

  1. A metal ion with coordination number 4 shows ….geometry…

2 / 10

2. When the coordination number of the metal ions is known its…can be predicted…

3 / 10

3. When all six M–L bonds are equivalent, then it forms a….

4 / 10

4. Primary valence must be satisfied by…..

5 / 10

5. Secondary valence must be satisfied by…..

6 / 10

6. Primary valence is represented ….

7 / 10

7. Number of secondary valence is also equal to

8 / 10

8. The groups bonded by secondary valency are shown by enclosing them in a …

9 / 10

9. Molar conductance of a solution containing K2[PtCl6] is because of the presence of…

10 / 10

10. The compound having general formula ….. Will show optical activity

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The average score is 50%


Another Quiz on the Topic of Isomerism in Coordination Compounds and Sidwick Model, EAN Rule

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Isomerism in Coordination compounds and Sidwick Model, EAN Rule

Hey, students, this quiz is based on the topic of Isomerism in Coordination compounds and Sidwick Model, EAN Rule.

1 / 7


2 / 7

2. Which of the following does not show geometrical isomerism?

3 / 7

3. Complexes of Ma2B2  type usually show

4 / 7

4. Dipole moment of Trans isomer is generally equal to….

5 / 7

  1. Lewis acid-base reaction results in the formation of…

6 / 7

2. The groups in the first coordination sphere are ….held by metal ions.

7 / 7

3. The effective atomic number for the first transition series is…

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The average score is 42%


One more Quiz on the Topic of Pauling’s Valence Bond Theory & Crystal Field Theory

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Pauling’s Valence Bond Theory & Crystal Field Theory

This Quiz is based on the Topic of “Pauling’s Valence Bond Theory & Crystal Field Theory” 

1 / 22

  1. Valence bond theory explains….nature of bond in metal complexes.

2 / 22

2. The number of unpaired electrons present in [Fe(CN)6]4- and [FeF6]4- are…

3 / 22

3. The complexes are called diamagnetic when…

4 / 22

4. The magnetic moment for [Co(NH3)6]3+ is……

5 / 22

5. The complexes [FeF6]3- and [Fe(CN)6]3- are….

6 / 22

6. Complexes in which metal ion utilizes outer ‘nd’ orbital are….

7 / 22

8 / 22

8. The complexes are called paramagnetic when…

9 / 22

9. The complex [Fe(CN6)4-…

10 / 22

10. Multiple bonding in complexes

11 / 22

11. In metal complexes, when the structure of the molecule changes, then….changes

12 / 22

12. In the inner orbital complex, the electrons of metal atoms are mostly…

13 / 22

13. The hybridization of [CoF6]3- complex is……

14 / 22

14.  The inner orbital complexes are mostly…..

15 / 22

15. When the type of the hybridization is sp3d or dsp3, the geometry of the molecule…

16 / 22

  1. The doubly degenerate orbitals are denoted by symbol

17 / 22

2. According to CFT, the nature of bonding in complexes is…

18 / 22

3. In an octahedral complex, how many ligands are placed at corners of the octahedron?

19 / 22

4. High spin complexes are…

20 / 22

5. Most of the transition metal complexes are colorers because….

21 / 22

6. Nephelauxetic effect predicts the presence of ….bonding in metal complexes.

22 / 22

7. In octahedral complexes, ligands are approaching along…

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The average score is 45%


 So, just go to the download button and download the Inorganic Chemistry MCQ with Answers PDF

In this PDF we covered all chapters of the Inorganic chemistry MCQs according to the Pune University

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9 thoughts on “Inorganic Chemistry MCQ with Answers PDF TYBSC”

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